Week 3 Action Step | Truth Telling

David prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”

This week, we’re making that prayer our own:
“Lord, tell me the truth. Is there any place in me where I’m not living in the truth? I’m listening.”

Take a moment. Be still. Let God’s gentle voice speak to any shadow places in your heart. He is safe. He won’t condemn or ridicule you, but he will challenge you—because he loves you too much to leave you stuck in a lie.

Lies often hide in the crevices of our comfort zones. So, maybe God will show you where you’ve been relying on something (or someone) to rescue you from pain, inconvenience, or discomfort. Maybe God will reveal a habit—something you think, say, or do (or avoid doing) that’s harming you or those around you. Maybe it’s a person you’ve put on a pedestal, or someone you’re struggling to forgive.

Whatever the Holy Spirit brings to light, know this: he’s not trying to take joy from you—he’s freeing you from whatever is stealing it. Lies chip away at the life God created you to live. But truth? Truth sets you free. God invites you into something better, something fuller, something real. And yes, while stepping into truth will likely mean stepping outside your comfort zone, God’s wisdom and love will always lead you into a deeper, truer comfort than anything else ever could.

So this week, pray boldly:
“Lord, is there any place in me where I’m not living in the truth? I’m listening.”

Then, step into freedom—agree with him and tell the truth with your words and your life. If you’re struggling to know what to do, or how to do it, reach out. God has given you a rich community. You are not alone. Share your thoughts below or contact [email protected]

P.S. If you want to keep reflecting on this concept, check out this blog for more.

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