In the second chapter of Acts we are told that the early church met in synagogues and in homes as the Christian community formed and grew. Those followers of Jesus changed the world and gave us a great example of how we should follow Jesus. We are a church dedicated to follow the model of Acts 2. We are committed to loving people and being world changers!
Sunday mornings at Yakima Foursquare Church are an incredible time to begin your journey learning how to be a world changer. During our Sunday morning services you will be loved, challenged, celebrated, and invited into a time of worshiping Jesus as one group of believers acting in unison. Joining together as "the body of Christ" needs to be a priority.
The model of the Acts 2 church also showed us that the believers met from "home to home," which leads us to what we call Life Groups. In the book of Proverbs chapter 17 it says that we need to be "iron sharpening iron." In other words, we are to help each other along and be in relationship with one another to the point of making each other better. Life groups are a place to be loved, and to love others. Nothing accomplishes this better than openly sharing your life with others in a small group setting. This is a place where you can bring your questions, be authentic, vulnerable, and hear from others who are on a journey with God themselves. There is no better way to start to understand the truths about following God than by getting connected with others who are trying to follow Him as well.